Pepe Le Pew was the epitome of Cassanova, had Cassanova been a skunk.
But who was the femme fatelle? There appeared to be different cats depending upon which cartoon was seen.
The most recognized was Penelope Cat and in actuality, it was always Penelope, for years she was referred to as the black cat or just utterly nameless.

Pepe Le Pew was not always known as that, he was introduced in 1945 (Odor-Able Kitty) and was called "Stinky". a French skunk who infatuated easily, now there was a cat who had painted a stripe on their tail to appear to be a skunk to ward off some hooligans looking for someone to begin picking upon. As always 'Stinky' is immediately is smitten but unbeknownst to Stinky, it is a male cat, hence the "cat' fighting to get away from Stinky, as he is chased all around the town. At the conclusion of the cartoon, we learn the Stinky is actually a heel, who is unfaithful to his family and add to that that he is actually feigning to be French and actually an American named Henry. Stinky's name as changed to Pepe Le Pew but alas the cartoon was not a hit.



(There is a variation in Heaven-Scent cartoon, where it is Penelope cat who paints the stripe on her tail)There are other cartoons where Pepe falls in love, sometimes it a dog with a stripe and other hilarious situations.
But with a paradigm shift, the cartoon becomes an Academy Award-winning Short in 1949. the cartoon
For Scent-imental Reasons, introduced us to Penelope Cat, by cat standards beautiful, and sadly by any standards rather unlucky.

Penelope was unspeaking, unlike the females, Pepe has chased in earlier cartoons (not until 1995). Penelope had attitude and readily returned any hijinx that Pepe sent her way, although at times quite bewildered by the advances of Pepe Le Pew and his potent fragrance.

There are various ways that Penelope has gotten a stripe down here back and tail giving the appearance of a female skunk. The one depicts above is by rubbing against a freshly flagpole painted white. But what happens is a complete turn about and Penelope cat now begins to chase Pepe Le Pew

(Penelope was attracted to Pepe when his skunk smell was not there) and the rest is cartoon history-the new love-hate on again and off again

(both Pepe and Penepole depending upon the story and circumstances are repulsed by each other) relationship of Pepe Le Pew and Penelope cat. Oddly in this feature there a point where Pepe puts a gun to his head and slowly walks off screen and pulls the trigger, which may be why this entire cartoon is hard to find, just clips. Nonetheless, this launched Pepe Le Pew and Penelope cat.

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